Every Generation Speaks
A Different Language.
Current teen slang
If you have a teenager, chances are high that you have zero idea what some of the words they are saying mean. That’s pretty normal! From the “groovy” of the sixties to “fly” and “as if” of the 90s, each generation has their own unique slang words that emerge from teen culture.
Gen Z and Gen Alpha are no different. However, these generations also come with emoji slang.
As parents and caregivers, it might not be important for us to use these slang words, but understanding what your teen is saying both to their peers and to you will be important as you raise them. It will also help you keep them safe in a season where sexting and cyber bullying are extremely common.
Below you’ll find links to lists curated by teen and tech experts who keep up on slang and emoji-talk definitions. Take time to familiarize yourself with these terms and icons and you’ll feel a little bit more prepared to understand your teen.
Bark’s Emoji Dictionary
Here you’ll find all the current meanings of different emoji’s that your teen might be sending or receiving.
Teen Slang definitions
Here you’ll find all the current meanings of different slang words you might hear your teen using. Some are harmless, others are not what you think, and others are downright yucky.
Other Teen Slang Lists and Links: