Student to Student: 10 Pieces of Advice for New Middle Schoolers
10 Pieces of Advice for New Middle Schoolers
by Elizabeth Goodale
1. Don’t get into drama. There’s going to be a lot of it. It’s not worth wasting your time and energy on things that won’t matter the next day.
2. Don’t be cruel. Hurting other people won’t make you feel any better about yourself. And trust me, it will only make the other person feel worse about themselves.
3. Try harder in the classes you hate. Chances are, you have at least one class you’ll hate. Try harder in that class, or those classes, and you’re less likely to fail.
4. Stick with the people you trust, and those who make you feel better about yourself. If you hang out with people who hurt you for no good reason, you’ll feel worse about yourself. Hang with the people who boost your self esteem instead of crushing it.
5. You don’t need to be popular. People try so hard to be popular, but in all honesty, going into high school, how popular you were in middle school doesn’t matter. Frankly, it doesn’t matter in middle school either. No one cares if you’re popular, they care if you’re nice. So just be nice, and be yourself.
6. Don’t listen to the haters. They’ll try to hurt you, but you’ve just got to move on and ignore them. It’ll hurt when they try to crush your spirit, but don’t listen to them. Just be yourself, no matter what they say.
7. Trust yourself. Don’t cheat, don’t break the rules, don’t vape, don’t drink, don’t be a person who thinks they need to do those things to be cool.
8. You’ll be uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it. It’s not as hard or as scary as some people think, or will tell you. It’ll be alright.
9. Listen to your teachers. Even if you don’t think so now, they know more than you do and are only trying to help.
10. Find what makes you happy. When someone knocks you down, just do whatever that may be.
Thanks for reading my list of Middle School Advice, future middle schoolers!
One more thing I want you to know: if you are a Christian, you shouldn’t hide it. And if you are a Christian or aren’t a Christian, don’t be cruel to someone because of what they believe.
Elizabeth Goodale is a member of PHS class of 2024.
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