Community, News, PvilleYI, Christmas, Gifts, Youth Events Jennie Koenig Community, News, PvilleYI, Christmas, Gifts, Youth Events Jennie Koenig

PvilleYI Christmas Dinner

In December 2024 PvilleYI hosted a Christmas Dinner Party for middle school and high school students. Over 80 teens attended the event! We served a Chick-Fil-A meal to each teen, coming to serve them directly at their tables. Dessert and drinks were also served by PvilleYI volunteers. We also passed out a gift to every teen, full of all kinds of fun and trendy items to celebrate them!

A huge thank you goes to our friends at Pleasantville’s St. Paul United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their Family Life Center to host the event.

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summer 2024: 27,056 Meals Distributed in Pleasantville

In the summer of 2024, PvilleYI partnered with Knoxville Food Youth Initiative and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to serve the teens in our community with meals. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from June 3rd to August 2nd, our volunteers worked together to serve an average of 200 bags per day. Each bag contained 4 to 6 meals for each child and teen.

In total, we distributed 5,794 bags.

This means that we distributed 27,056 meals to children and teens in Pleasantville!

We believe the success of the program in Pleasantville is in part due to our efforts to reduce the stigma associated with participating in a food distribution program. Our volunteers go above and beyond to greet children and make sure they feel seen and worthwhile, even if it’s only a brief interaction. We take time to welcome families with a warm smile and a kind greeting.

We are so grateful that we were able to work with KFYI and St. Paul’s UMC to provide this much needed service to our community!

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News, Community Jennie Koenig News, Community Jennie Koenig

Trick or treat on the square 2024

It’s always a fun night trick or treating in Pleasantville! We again hosted our Trick or Treat on the Square event on Halloween. This event brings community businesses and organizations together to give the kids a night to remember.

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News, Youth Events Jennie Koenig News, Youth Events Jennie Koenig

Post Game Party 2024

It was a chilly night in Pleasantville for our 2024 Post Game Party! Luckily our volunteers were ready with music, snacks, and several photo opportunities for teens to enjoy together! We love providing a fun and safe space for teens to spend time with each other.

Over 100 teens grades 7-12 attended this year’s event!

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Homecoming 2024

One of our favorite weeks of the year: HOMECOMING! We were so excited to participate again in our small town parade and cheer on the Trojans throughout the week!

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News Jennie Koenig News Jennie Koenig

Elevate conference

Some of our team was able to attend the Elevate Conference in Minneapolis thanks to our ministry partners at TreeHouse! Thanks to the generous anonymous donors who paid for our hotel accommodations! We learned about trauma informed youth ministry and much more.

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Middle School Back to School Night

On August 22nd, 2024, PvilleYI partnered with Pleasantville Middle School to host a welcome back to school event during their back to school night.

We provided refreshments, resources, and gifts for incoming 7th and 8th graders.

Resources included tips on parenting middle schoolers, information on developmental stages, information about local organizations and opportunities, and more.

We also brought in a display of our recommended products for students of this age, based on feedback from families and our own experiences raising teens! (We get no incentive to do this)

Each student received a welcome back from us full of fun items we know middle schoolers love!

We had a great time partnering with the school and welcoming students back to a new year, and we were honored to help ease parents into a new chapter of parenthood as well.

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PvilleYI hosts poverty conference in pleasantville

June 5, 2024:

In June 2023, PvilleYI Co-Founders Jennie Koenig and Emily Caulkins attended a Marion County Poverty Conference hosted by The Well, an organization in Marion County that serves those in need. The conference provided PvilleYI with a unique perspective that helped as we served our community members in Pleasantville.

Pleasantville's poverty level is 5% over the state level. In the last 20 years Pleasantville's poverty rate has more than doubled from 7% to 16%. And as of 2020, 25% of those under the poverty level were 6 years of age or younger. 

With these statistics in mind, we worked with The Well to bring a Poverty Conference to Pleasantville. We invited leaders from our school, city, churches, and organizations to attend.

On June 5th 2024, our team hosted the Marion County Poverty Conference at Pleasantville’s High School Library. The conference was well-attended with representatives from nearly every church, organization, and leadership team in our community.

Jayson Henry, Well CEO, led the conference. PvilleYI provided a lunch for participants catered by Halftime Bar and Grill.

This conference is part of our effort to make Pleasantville a compassionate and welcoming community for people of all demographics. Thank you to everyone who attended and all those who helped make this possible!

Resources that were passed out at the event were:

A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D

Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton

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PvilleYI Partners with treehouse

Pleasantville Youth Initiative strives to provide quality programming for teens and their families in Pleasantville. For this reason it is vital that the programs we will implement are evidence and experienced based. We have always had a goal to add mentoring and support groups to our list of offerings to Pleasantville, but we wanted to make sure we were trained to provide these services. This is why PvilleYI is thrilled to announce our partnership with TreeHouse!

What is TreeHouse?

TreeHouse has been serving teens since 1984, helping them build relationships and resiliency rooted in living hope. Based in Minnesota, TreeHouse has sites across the country. Each site hosts programs that give teens a safe space to find support and belonging. Through mentorships, support groups, and other activities, teens have the opportunity to build even deeper relationships with peers and caring adults.

TreeHouse Mission: To End Hopelessness Among Teens.

TreeHouse is more than just a curriculum. It’s a model that is designed to meet the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of teens in every community.

How will this partnership benefit PvilleYI?

Mentoring: Teens can develop deep relationships with mentors as they process life and develop faith. These will be one-on-one mentoring sessions with trained volunteer mentors. All mentors will be background checked and trained by PvilleYI using a proven model and materials provided by TreeHouse.

Support Groups: Students will learn social and emotional skills by processing their week’s emotions together in a faith-neutral environment. These groups will be faith-neutral so that we can connect with students in the school and be a support for them even if they do not share our faith.

Faith-Centered Groups and Events: TreeHouse believes that Christ is the center of the transformation we want to see in every teen’s life. And so do we! Curriculum to offer small group Bible Studies or large group faith focused events is included in our TreeHouse partnership.

Evidence-Based Training and Support

TreeHouse will provide training for PvilleYI’s directors as well as resources for our team to use as we train volunteers, mentors, and work with local partners. This training includes a 12 week cohort for PvilleYI Directors (which we have already started!).

TreeHouse is picky about who they partner with, and so are we! We began the conversation over two years ago and both we and TreeHouse have researched one another in the meantime. Recently PvilleYI met the high standards that organizations that partner with TreeHouse are required to meet.

An important note: PvilleYI is still PvilleYI. We completely keep our identity as an organization in every way. These specific programs will simply be powered by TreeHouse resources and training, which PvilleYI pays for from our budget. Which we are happy to say we can do so thanks to the generosity of donors in our community!

TreeHouse also provides PvilleYI with:

  • Policy and Organization Guidance

  • Best Practices Guides and Safety Checklists

  • Volunteer Training Resources and Guides

  • Materials and Resources for Mentoring Teens

  • Materials and Resources for Teen Support Groups

  • Materials, Resources, and Curriculum for Faith Connection Groups and Events

  • Materials, Resources, and Curriculum for Specialized Classes (College Readiness, Financial Management, etc)

  • Continued and Current Training in Specific Areas Impacting Teens

  • A Coach Assigned Specifically to our Co-Directors for Our Organization’s Unique Needs

  • Prayer and Accountability Support for our Leadership and Community

  • The Guidance of An Organization with 40 years Experience

How Soon Will These Programs Be Available?

Our goal is to begin offering one-on-one mentoring and some support groups as early as the fall of 2024. Once our building project is complete, we will be able to expand these offerings even more and offer faith building groups and events, as well as specialized classes, in addition to our current programming.

We are so excited about what we are already learning from a seasoned and solid organization like TreeHouse. We can’t wait to begin mentoring and supporting teens in Pleasantville!

To learn more about TreeHouse, you can can visit their website.

If you have questions for us about this partnership, please reach out to us at

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Fun, May Day, News, Outreach, Elementary School Jennie Koenig Fun, May Day, News, Outreach, Elementary School Jennie Koenig

May baskets 2024

HAPPY MAY DAY! We dropped off 500 May Baskets at the elementary school on May 1st! Thanks to our helpers, and a special thanks to the Young Adult group at Celebrate Church for volunteering your group time to assemble these with us! Many teachers and parents reached out to share their appreciate for this small act of kindness. We believe infusing even small moments of joy in chidlren’s lives can make a HUGE difference!

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News, Youth Events, Prom Jennie Koenig News, Youth Events, Prom Jennie Koenig

Prom Prep morning 2024

We had a fantastic morning spoiling Pleasantville’s prom attendee girls! All young women attending prom were invited to stop by the Memorial Hall to grab an iced coffee or juice, some delicious carbohydrates from Panera Bread, and a goody bag from us! Bags were filled with prom day essentials like lip gloss, gum, bandaids, tissues, hair clips, and more.

Girls were also invited to reserve an appointment to have their hair or makeup done for free by talented volunteers! The spots filled up fast, but we also had volunteers on hand for walk-ins.

We had a great morning encouraging these young women with some pampering and fun!

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Donations, Thank You, Celebrate Church, News Jennie Koenig Donations, Thank You, Celebrate Church, News Jennie Koenig

Celebrate Church thanksgiving offering donation

In November, our ministry partner Celebrate Church chose PvilleYI as the recipient of a special Thanksgiving offering. They collectively blessed us with $16,894.86!
We are so incredibly grateful for the support Celebrate has given us and continues to give us, not only in financial support but in prayer and encouragement. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this amazing Thanksgiving Offering! We are praying blessings and abundance over you!

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Christmas, Youth Events, Gifts, News, Meal, Party, Fun Jennie Koenig Christmas, Youth Events, Gifts, News, Meal, Party, Fun Jennie Koenig

Chick-fil-a christmas dinner 2024

What a FUN NIGHT! We had so much fun serving these teens tonight! Chick-fil-a, Christmas Tree Cakes, Sparkling Cider, and PRESENTS! A room filled with JOY. Teens were welcomed into a room decorated with lovely tables and candle-lit dinner. They remained seated as our volunteers served them their meals, drinks, and desserts. Then we passed out gifts for everyone! Each box contained fun novelty items for the teens to enjoy together. One item that was included was a retro WWJD bracelet (what would Jesus do).

Our goal for this event was to allow the teens to be served by us with no expectations from them whatsoever. We spent time talking with teens at each table and were able to encourage them. There was a lot of laughing, and a lot of fun!

Thanks to Marcy Pettyjohn for donating all the little paper ”crackers”, and to St. Paul’s UMC for the use of your Family Life Center!

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Donations, News Jennie Koenig Donations, News Jennie Koenig

New Office Space for PvilleYI

We are SO excited! We now have an office space in downtown Pleasantville. This space will serve our needs as we continue to work toward our building project goal.

We are also incredibly grateful that a generous donor has come forward to pay the rent for this office space for an ENTIRE YEAR. WOW.

We are already hard at work preparing for how we will use this space to bless our community even more!

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Community Partnerships, Events, News, Community Jennie Koenig Community Partnerships, Events, News, Community Jennie Koenig

Trick or Treat on the Square 2023

We had a GREAT night at our Trick or Treat on the Square 2023! It was a COLD night, but we had a record turnout none the less. This could be in part to the Chick-fil-a food truck! They joined us for the night and families had a great time trick-or-treating and grabbing a bite to eat as well. In fact, Chick-Fil-A had to send for MORE food. How about that!

Thanks to the organizations and businesses who came out to give the kiddos treats!

American Legion Women’s Auxiliary

Bill Harvey Construction

Boy Scouts

Brandi Booth


Christ Family Church

City of Pleasantville

Crush Nutrition

D&D Auto Body

Dollar General

Fairview Christian Church

Friends of the Library

Marion County Express


Peoples Bank

Pleasantville Chamber of Commerce

Pleasantville Christian Church

Smokey Row

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

Unleashed Pet Boarding

Za-Ga-Zig Shriners

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