Girl Scout Cookie Class
On February 16th, Co-Found Emily Caulkins taught a class to Pleasantville’s Girl Scouts on how to bake chocolate chip cookies! They had a great time earning their little badges! These sheets designed by Jennie helped the kids follow along while Emily showed them how to bake the cookies, and how recipes work.

Cookie Decorating With Pleasantville Girl Scouts
On February 16, 2022, PvilleYI Co-Founder Emily Caulkins taught our local Pleasantville Girl Scout Troop 624. It was a ton of fun! The Girl Scouts learned a little bit about the science of baking, as well as techniques for decorating sugar cookies like a pro.
The cookies and frosting the Girl Scouts used were made at our cookie decorating class the night before, where we taught teens how to mix, roll out, cut, and bake sugar cookies.
We were so happy to spend time with all these happy, smiling faces! We’re proud of these Girl Scouts and congratulations on getting your baking badges!