News, Community Jennie Koenig News, Community Jennie Koenig

Trick or treat on the square 2024

It’s always a fun night trick or treating in Pleasantville! We again hosted our Trick or Treat on the Square event on Halloween. This event brings community businesses and organizations together to give the kids a night to remember.

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PvilleYI hosts poverty conference in pleasantville

June 5, 2024:

In June 2023, PvilleYI Co-Founders Jennie Koenig and Emily Caulkins attended a Marion County Poverty Conference hosted by The Well, an organization in Marion County that serves those in need. The conference provided PvilleYI with a unique perspective that helped as we served our community members in Pleasantville.

Pleasantville's poverty level is 5% over the state level. In the last 20 years Pleasantville's poverty rate has more than doubled from 7% to 16%. And as of 2020, 25% of those under the poverty level were 6 years of age or younger. 

With these statistics in mind, we worked with The Well to bring a Poverty Conference to Pleasantville. We invited leaders from our school, city, churches, and organizations to attend.

On June 5th 2024, our team hosted the Marion County Poverty Conference at Pleasantville’s High School Library. The conference was well-attended with representatives from nearly every church, organization, and leadership team in our community.

Jayson Henry, Well CEO, led the conference. PvilleYI provided a lunch for participants catered by Halftime Bar and Grill.

This conference is part of our effort to make Pleasantville a compassionate and welcoming community for people of all demographics. Thank you to everyone who attended and all those who helped make this possible!

Resources that were passed out at the event were:

A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D

Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton

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Community, Fun, News Jennie Koenig Community, Fun, News Jennie Koenig

Pville Pig Out 2023

We had some fun at the 2023 Pleasantville Pig Out! We set up our 9-Square set on the square and kids, teens, and adults had some fun playing the game! We love to bring a little fun to our community whenever we can.

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Youth Events, News, MS and HS Events Jennie Koenig Youth Events, News, MS and HS Events Jennie Koenig

Post Game Party 2022

We were so excited to have 120 students attend our 2022 Post Game Party! That is our highest event attendance to date. This event was, as always, FREE.

This event was for Middle School and High School students and took place after the PHS home football game. Students were greeted warmly (quite literally, it was COLD!) and welcomed into the Memorial Hall. Tons of snacks and pop were waiting for them, as well as tables to hang out at and a dance floor booming with music thanks to Cass Lester with Central Iowa DJ.

We had such a great time!

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Youth Events, Middle School, Fun, News Jennie Koenig Youth Events, Middle School, Fun, News Jennie Koenig

Our Middle School Dance was EPIC!

95 Students attended our annual Middle School Dance on September 23, 2022. That’s just about every 7th and 8th grader that attends Pleasantville Schools!

We had tons of snacks, funny giveaways, DJ and atmosphere, and of course our photo booth.

A huge THANKS goes to The City of Pleasantville for the use of the Memorial Hall, as well as to Cass Lester with Central Iowa Dj.

We danced the night away!

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Fun, News, Art, Homecoming Jennie Koenig Fun, News, Art, Homecoming Jennie Koenig

Homecoming Window Painting

Our building might not be done, not even CLOSE, BUT, we still have windows and hey, why not get them all painted for Homecoming!

We partnered with the PHS Art Department, who sent us four incredibly talented students to get the windows ready for Homecoming.

We treated them to, you guessed it, HAPPY MEALS because WHY NOT?

These young women did an incredible job, and we know our whole town loved seeing their work!

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16,040 Meals Distributed: Summer 2022

This Summer, we helped distribute 16,040 meals to Pleasantville Kids and Teens! A total of 4,010 Bags were passed out, each containing two breakfasts and two lunches. Knoxville Food Youth Initiative has worked so hard to meet Pleasantville’s requested numbers, and we were so blessed to work with them to get those meals into the hands of our community members. They serve not only Pleasantville, but Knoxville, Melcher, and more!

Teens and kids showed up with parents to pick up their meals. They also came on their own, pulling wagons or riding their bicycles. We loved serving them and getting to say hello every Monday Wednesday and Friday.

Over the summer, we had many incredible volunteers who helped us! We would like to give a special shout-out to teens Reagan Murray and Adoniah Koenig who were present almost every day that we distributed meals. Also to the many little ones who came along with their moms or grandmas to help out!

A HUGE thanks goes to Pleasantville’s St. Paul United Methodist Church for the use of their facility, and for the women who volunteered each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Their hard work, hospitality, and joyful presence reminded us so much of Jesus, who they love and serve.

And we can’t forget to say thank you to our dear friend Jim Brees, who delivered the meals and took care of much of the heavy lifting every single day. Selfless, helpful, and generous, we looked forward to hearing his big booming “hello!” each time he arrived. His arms were always full of boxes and coolers, or popsicles he brought for the children who were helping.

We love our community. We were so happy to help serve them this summer!

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Over $7,000 Raised At Silent Auction

On April 30th, 2022, PvilleYI hosted a Silent Auction fundraiser with guest speaker Van Harden. We had a great turn out and raised $7,440 to help fund our work over the next year in Pleasantville!

We are so thankful for all the hard work that our volunteers put into the event. We appreciated especially the help of our volunteer musicians, Mike Fust and his daughter Grace Fust, as well as our guest “amateur” auctioneer Mark Core.

And of course, we were more than honored to hear the kind and supportive words that Van Harden had to share about our work here! We were so encouraged by his stories and his daily prayer, “Tell me. Send me. Show me.”

We would like to say THANK YOU to all of the individuals and organizations who donated goods to our silent auction fundraiser. THANK YOU for helping us raise over $7,000 for our work here in Pleasantville! We are GRATEFUL!

Jerry & Pandia Bender

Paul Gordon

Midwest Wheel

Iowa Pork Producers

Iowa State Fair

Skip Jackson

The Galvin House

Minnesota Vikings

Green Bay Packers

Rubish to Rubies

Stubbs Propane

Angel Bingham with Young Living

Knoxville Aviation

Fireside Winery

Shivers Farms

Rejuvenate Rx

Iowa State University

Pleasantville Girl Scouts

Radiant Candle

Barb Pettyjohn

Brett Campbell

The West Place

Brian & Jerri Vestal with ABO Research

Sams Club

Oskaloosa Axe Club

Carly Hodson with Pampered Chef

Peoples Bank

Nancy Kelderman with Avon

Permanent Cosmetics

Lou Lane Soap Co

Michael & Jacque Moats

Tournament Tackle

Lakefront Living

Covenant Construction Services

Smokey Row

Iowa Cubs

Gilcrest Jewitt

Angie Hulsebus with Mary Kay

Kelsey Sutter

Mary Hampton

Elrod Timber

National Sprint Car Hall of Fame

Justin and Stephanie Fehrer

Strawhat Farms


Belzer Equipment

Margie Mix

Ky's Custom Woodworking & Restoration

Stringtown Seed Shop

Iowa Wild

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Outreach, Youth Events, Community, Class, Girl Scouts, News Jennie Koenig Outreach, Youth Events, Community, Class, Girl Scouts, News Jennie Koenig

Cookie Decorating With Pleasantville Girl Scouts

On February 16, 2022, PvilleYI Co-Founder Emily Caulkins taught our local Pleasantville Girl Scout Troop 624. It was a ton of fun! The Girl Scouts learned a little bit about the science of baking, as well as techniques for decorating sugar cookies like a pro.

The cookies and frosting the Girl Scouts used were made at our cookie decorating class the night before, where we taught teens how to mix, roll out, cut, and bake sugar cookies.

We were so happy to spend time with all these happy, smiling faces! We’re proud of these Girl Scouts and congratulations on getting your baking badges!

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Cookie Making Class

On February 15th, 2022, we had a cookie making class for a small group of middle school and high school students. PvilleYI co-founder Emily Caulkins taught the teens the basics of making large batches of sugar cookies. She showed them how to carefully measure ingredients (yes, you really do need to make sure that was 2 cups and not 3), how to mix the ingredients properly, how to roll the dough just right, and how to use cookie cutters and bake the cookies. The teens also made delicious frosting.

This class was for the teens to learn baking skills, but it was also an opportunity for them to give back to the community. These cookies and frosting were going to be used by our Pleasantville Girl Scout troop to use for their cookie decorating class, which Emily taught as well.

We served these helpful bakers some pizza while we waited for cookies to bake. During this time we were able to talk and learn about each other, see the teens incredible art in their sketchbooks, and laugh together.

It was a fantastic time. Thank you to Pleasantville’s St. Paul’s United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their Family Life Center and kitchen for this event!

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News, Building Project Jennie Koenig News, Building Project Jennie Koenig

Building Updates

June 3, 2022 Update

Wondering where we're at with our building project? We've raised $115,000 toward our goal! That's HUGE! Of course, it's only a drop in the bucket toward our whole goal. However, the more we raise in this way, the more likely we are to receive higher donations and grants, most of which are matching or require a percentage of funds to be raised.

We're sure tired of seeing the building empty and sad looking. We're sure you are too! But we want to assure you that we are working HARD to get this project started. GOOD things will be happening there. People will find comfort, guidance, resources, and JOY in that place. We will not stop until it happens!

Co-Founders Emily and Jennie, as well as our board members, are constantly researching, applying, contacting, and connecting. In the meantime, we're also doing research on how to best serve our community as a whole (more on that soon).

We'd like to remind our community that we WILL complete this project, and ask for your continued support both financially and prayerfully.

Lots and lots of good things to come. Get excited, Pleasantville! Please reach out if you have any questions at all about what we're doing.

If you'd like to see the whole building plan proposal, you can read it here:

April 26, 2022 Update

January 2022 Updates:

Knia/Klrs article

Our fundraising is in full-swing! Take a look at our Building Project Proposal. You can download it here:

PvilleYI Building Project Plan


As we begin the first phase of our building project, we want to keep the community updated. We hosted a community meeting where we explained our plans for our new location at the old Pleasantville Grocery Store. You can watch that meeting in its entirety (its about 40 minutes once we start talking) or you can read below the video for a summary.

Community Meeting Summary:

To get started, it’s important to understand what PvilleYI is all about!


We have been up to a lot in the Pleasantville Community over the last few years, from hosting events to meeting needs. This summer we are adding feeding kids to our list, too! Here’s some basic info, but look for more info soon on that!


So, if PvilleYI is already doing great things, why do we need a building anyways? Well, we have BIGGER goals for Pleasantville! While we primarily focus on youth, we see ourselves as a Generational Enrichment Ministry. This means we want to reach out to others in the community as well. We also recognize that by positively impacting a person’s life, we can create a positive path for generations after them.


In order to do this, we need a headquarters to work out of and space to achieve our big goals for both the youth and the community, which are summarized below.


So what’s the plan for the old grocery store? To start, let’s go over the building’s current condition. Mike Caulkins is heading up our construction research. Based on what he has found and confirmed with the professionals he has brought in to observe the building, there is not much that can be done to salvage the store as it is. In fact, he was told that it would take 3 masons an entire year working exclusively on the building just to make the space usable. Below are pictures of the current state of the basement of the building.

From Mike’s research, we understand that it would cost much more to “renovate” the building. Plus, there’s so much damage that there would really be nothing left of the old building after the renovation. The best solution is to demo the old building and rebuild in the same footprint.


Before we continue, we want the community to know that we value the history of this location. In fact, we hope to bring it back to some of it’s original glory when we rebuild. Below you can see how much the location has changed over the years, going from a hotel to what we know today.

Below is our first look at the next phase of this location: PvilleYI’s headquarters.


This is a big project, but we serve a BIG God. We are passionate about making this dream a reality and serving Pleasantville, but it’s going to take a lot of work. We also know that relying on donations alone is not a sustainable model for building upkeep and ministry. With that in mind, we have a sustainability plan that will not only help us maintain the building and do ministry, but it will benefit the community as well!


The upper section of our building will have a co-working space and a commercial office space. If you aren’t familiar with co-working spaces, they are the newest way to get work done without the distractions of home. Individuals can rent a spot for the day, or pay a monthly fee to use it when they want. There will also be a conference room to be reserved for meetings. More on this will be revealed as we get closer! Below are some examples of co-working spaces, just to give you an idea of what they are.


This project is estimated to cost 1.6 million dollars. Which, we know, is a lot of money! How exactly do we plan to raise that much money? We hope to raise at least $250,000 of those funds from Pleasantville community support. This will give us a base to apply for grants, as most grants require a percentage of the funds to be raised before the grant application is considered. We will present our vision to businesses, apply for grants, and host events to help us reach our goals. We are praying for God to provide, and we plan to work hard to do our part to make it happen!


Individuals who would like to donate can do so in many ways. Donate online through our website or through Facebook (there are no fees with Facebook donations), Venmo @pvilleYI, mail us: PO Box 295 Pleasantville, IA, create and throw your own fundraiser, and employer matches.

We want to be a light in the Pleasantville community. A place where loneliness is forgotten, where shame is stripped away, and where opportunities abound. We can’t wait to get started! Keep checking back for more updates!

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Homecoming, News, Fun, Events Jennie Koenig Homecoming, News, Fun, Events Jennie Koenig

Homecoming Tailgate 2021

LET’S GO TROJANS! PvilleYI had a BLAST pre-gaming with the community! We served free Orange Crush Slushies and shared about our upcoming building project. We love getting out in the community and spreading joy!

Thanks to the Pleasantville Betterment Organization for putting on such a FUN event. We were so excited to participate!

Thank you to Bruce Crozier and Celebrate Youth at Celebrate Church, Knoxville for letting us borrow your EPIC slushy machine!

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Youth Events, Fun, Events, Middle School Jennie Koenig Youth Events, Fun, Events, Middle School Jennie Koenig

Middle School Dance Night 2021

What a FUN time we had at the Middle School Dance Night!

85% of Pleasantville’s 7th and 8th graders attended. We are blown away and humbled by that!

Teens enjoyed dance music, orange crush slushes, a mountain of Little Debbie snack cakes, every kind of Mountain Dew known to man, and of course we had water and bananas available, too!

Thank you to the City of Pleasantville for allowing us to use the Memorial Hall for this fun event!

We also want to thank Cass Lester at Central Iowa DJ for keeping the night humming along with awesome dance tunes.

And another big shout out to Bruce at Celebrate Church in Knoxville for letting us borrow the slushy machine!

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Art, Building Project, Fun, News Jennie Koenig Art, Building Project, Fun, News Jennie Koenig

Homecoming Window Painting 2021

We are always impressed with the incredible creativity that Pleasantville kids put on display when they are given the opportunity!

We partnered with the PHS Stuco and the Art Department to have some awesome painted windows for Homecoming!

Each class sent in a design for approval. Then, teams of students from each grade came to paint their masterpieces. We absolutely LOVE all of them! If you drove through town, you probably saw them. But if you didn’t, here they all are!

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Events, Fun, MS and HS Events, News, Youth Events Jennie Koenig Events, Fun, MS and HS Events, News, Youth Events Jennie Koenig

Post Game Party 2021

Well that was fun! We had a BLAST at our 2021 Post Game Party!

We welcomed over 100 teens at our after game event.

Students had a blast dancing, eating snacks, and hanging out with their friends!

Thanks to Pleasantville Schools for letting us have our event in the PHS cafeteria! We are your BIGGEST fans!

Also thanks to Cass Lester at Central Iowa DJ for keeping the teens happy with tons of awesome music!

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Building Project, Fundraising Jennie Koenig Building Project, Fundraising Jennie Koenig

Virtual Giving Envelopes: On Our Way To The First 250K

When our community comes together, things get done. It's as simple as that. We've seen it time and time again. And Pleasantville, it's time!

With the large amount we have to fundraise to make our building project a reality, we have to start with a strong base. Our first goal is a big one: $250K. This seed money will be vital. Most large donors and grants require a percentage of funds to be raised before an organization's application is considered.

To become eligible for big funding, we need your help. Would you prayerfully consider donating to one of these "envelopes" to help us launch our fundraising efforts in a big way?

Every donation makes a difference, and the clock is ticking. We want to get this place built and in action so that we can begin meeting the very real needs in our community.

Just this week members of our team have had dozens of conversations with community members, parents, and teens who tell us how desperately their children or friends need the kinds of programs and opportunities PvilleYI is preparing to offer.

Maybe you don't have teens yet. Maybe your kids are still young, or even babies! All the more reason for you to support this effort TODAY, for the future of your little ones who, before you know it, will be teens.

Maybe your kids are grown and out of school. Have you heard about the awesome things we are planning to do for the whole community? You'll want to give, because this project will positively impact the ENTIRE community.

We know our goal is big. But Pleasantville, we are going to do this. We are passionate. We are determined. We are equipped. We are READY.

Every single person who donates will have their name added to a beautiful mural we will paint inside our building.

To give, you can donate online on our website, on Facebook (zero fees!), or via Venmo: Pvilleyi. You can also mail a check to Pleasantville Youth Initiative PO Box 529 Pleasantville, IA 50225.


EIN IS 47-5099903

DLN # IS 29053252330009

Donation "Envelopes"

400 People donating $25

200 People donating $50

200 People donating $100

100 People donating $500

20 People donating $1,000

10 People donating $5,000

5 People donating $10,000

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Fun, Gifts, News Jennie Koenig Fun, Gifts, News Jennie Koenig

May Day Baskets 2021

Happy May Day! We continued our tradition of surprising each child at Pleasantville Elementary with a May Basket. We placed them on each desk before school, and we made sure the faculty and staff got one, too!

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Youth Events, News, MS and HS Events, Fun, Events Jennie Koenig Youth Events, News, MS and HS Events, Fun, Events Jennie Koenig

Competition For Kids Who Like Games 2021

It was SO great to actually get to have an IN PERSON event again! Covid has been hard for all of us. Thankfully we were able to have this outdoor event and have some fun!

Teens were split into teams and given a team color with matching bandana. Each team came up with a funny name, and team identity!

Teams competed in a bunch of games curated to match the different levels of interest of teens. From Basketball to Dodgeball to Improv and Trivia, there was a little something for everyone!

We had a GREAT time!

Thanks so much to all our volunteers! And thank you to Celebrate Church, Knoxville for lending us your 9-Square sets!

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