Building Updates
June 3, 2022 Update
Wondering where we're at with our building project? We've raised $115,000 toward our goal! That's HUGE! Of course, it's only a drop in the bucket toward our whole goal. However, the more we raise in this way, the more likely we are to receive higher donations and grants, most of which are matching or require a percentage of funds to be raised.
We're sure tired of seeing the building empty and sad looking. We're sure you are too! But we want to assure you that we are working HARD to get this project started. GOOD things will be happening there. People will find comfort, guidance, resources, and JOY in that place. We will not stop until it happens!
Co-Founders Emily and Jennie, as well as our board members, are constantly researching, applying, contacting, and connecting. In the meantime, we're also doing research on how to best serve our community as a whole (more on that soon).
We'd like to remind our community that we WILL complete this project, and ask for your continued support both financially and prayerfully.
Lots and lots of good things to come. Get excited, Pleasantville! Please reach out if you have any questions at all about what we're doing.
If you'd like to see the whole building plan proposal, you can read it here:
April 26, 2022 Update
January 2022 Updates:
Our fundraising is in full-swing! Take a look at our Building Project Proposal. You can download it here:
As we begin the first phase of our building project, we want to keep the community updated. We hosted a community meeting where we explained our plans for our new location at the old Pleasantville Grocery Store. You can watch that meeting in its entirety (its about 40 minutes once we start talking) or you can read below the video for a summary.
Community Meeting Summary:
To get started, it’s important to understand what PvilleYI is all about!
We have been up to a lot in the Pleasantville Community over the last few years, from hosting events to meeting needs. This summer we are adding feeding kids to our list, too! Here’s some basic info, but look for more info soon on that!
So, if PvilleYI is already doing great things, why do we need a building anyways? Well, we have BIGGER goals for Pleasantville! While we primarily focus on youth, we see ourselves as a Generational Enrichment Ministry. This means we want to reach out to others in the community as well. We also recognize that by positively impacting a person’s life, we can create a positive path for generations after them.
In order to do this, we need a headquarters to work out of and space to achieve our big goals for both the youth and the community, which are summarized below.
So what’s the plan for the old grocery store? To start, let’s go over the building’s current condition. Mike Caulkins is heading up our construction research. Based on what he has found and confirmed with the professionals he has brought in to observe the building, there is not much that can be done to salvage the store as it is. In fact, he was told that it would take 3 masons an entire year working exclusively on the building just to make the space usable. Below are pictures of the current state of the basement of the building.

From Mike’s research, we understand that it would cost much more to “renovate” the building. Plus, there’s so much damage that there would really be nothing left of the old building after the renovation. The best solution is to demo the old building and rebuild in the same footprint.
Before we continue, we want the community to know that we value the history of this location. In fact, we hope to bring it back to some of it’s original glory when we rebuild. Below you can see how much the location has changed over the years, going from a hotel to what we know today.
Below is our first look at the next phase of this location: PvilleYI’s headquarters.
This is a big project, but we serve a BIG God. We are passionate about making this dream a reality and serving Pleasantville, but it’s going to take a lot of work. We also know that relying on donations alone is not a sustainable model for building upkeep and ministry. With that in mind, we have a sustainability plan that will not only help us maintain the building and do ministry, but it will benefit the community as well!
The upper section of our building will have a co-working space and a commercial office space. If you aren’t familiar with co-working spaces, they are the newest way to get work done without the distractions of home. Individuals can rent a spot for the day, or pay a monthly fee to use it when they want. There will also be a conference room to be reserved for meetings. More on this will be revealed as we get closer! Below are some examples of co-working spaces, just to give you an idea of what they are.
This project is estimated to cost 1.6 million dollars. Which, we know, is a lot of money! How exactly do we plan to raise that much money? We hope to raise at least $250,000 of those funds from Pleasantville community support. This will give us a base to apply for grants, as most grants require a percentage of the funds to be raised before the grant application is considered. We will present our vision to businesses, apply for grants, and host events to help us reach our goals. We are praying for God to provide, and we plan to work hard to do our part to make it happen!
Individuals who would like to donate can do so in many ways. Donate online through our website or through Facebook (there are no fees with Facebook donations), Venmo @pvilleYI, mail us: PO Box 295 Pleasantville, IA, create and throw your own fundraiser, and employer matches.
We want to be a light in the Pleasantville community. A place where loneliness is forgotten, where shame is stripped away, and where opportunities abound. We can’t wait to get started! Keep checking back for more updates!